Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Today was a good day after all...

I woke up today feeling a little out of sorts and stressed out...just not a good way to start a day.  I dropped the boys off at day care, went to work, and things just got worse.  It's the end of the school year.  There is state testing, final projects to grade, units to tie up, paper work to fill out, and students who have already declared it summer...except there's still three weeks of school left!  The one saving grace at work today:  it was an early release.  At 12:40 the students exited the building and left us teachers to our meetings.  Sure, it's not really a "break" for me, but it is a variation to our "regularly scheduled program."  And I like variation.  Especially right now. 

Except I didn't feel any better.

I called my husband up around one while I was pumping (had to squeeze that particular activity in between the students leaving and the meeting beginning), and at one point I was nearly in tears as we discussed some of the big stresses going on in our world right now.  At that point I decided it was time to drop the bum attitude.  Shake it off.  Move on.  Have a good rest of the day.

And I did.

I picked the boys up from day care, stopped at home to change clothes, pack a diaper bag, and feed Gavin, and then we were off to the park for a picnic and play time.  It was sunny and just the right temperature.  I completely lost track of time and all my worries as I played with my boys.  Swinging, sliding, climbing, digging...if it could be done at the park, we did it.

I love my children.  I love that spending time with them is like a breath of fresh air.  They have no worries or fears or insecurities.  They are free.  They are children, and when I truly stop what I'm doing and just immerse myself in spending time with them, I feel free too.  Free to focus on all the things in life that are really important.  Faith, love, family, laughter, fun....what else really matters but those things?

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