Thursday, June 2, 2011

You Capture - Games

There wasn't a lot of games going on in our household this past week as the boys and I have been sickReally sick.  But, after Gavin's doctors appointment yesterday, some antibiotics, breathing treatments, and tylenol, we were all able to spend some time in our backyard.  Playing.  It was so very nice.
The throw...
...the take off...
...the catch...
...the return.
After about 50 rounds of this, Bram is finally tired.

Now our dog may have been tired, but not Logan.  He went on to play Power Rangers.  (I seriously didn't even know he had ever heard of Power Rangers until this moment...ahh, the things they learn at day care...)

And lets not forget Gavin...he may be feeling under the weather, but he still has fun playing with his mama's camera case and while watching his big brother.

And to think, yesterday morning I didn't think I was going to have anything to post for You Capture today!  Turns out we got to play some games after all...and I got to work on taking some action shots!

For more You Capture posts head over to Beth's at I Should Be Folding Laundry!


  1. Oh boy, now that looks like fun. We used to have a dog just like yours.

  2. looks like they were having fun! feel better!
