Monday, July 1, 2013

Muddy Matters

Last Friday I took the boys to the public library for International Mud Day.  Who knew there was such a thing right?  Needless to say the awesome library employees outdid themselves with this program - there was a pool of mud, tubs of dirt, bowls of mud...mud everywhere!  And I let Logan and Gavin dig in without any reservations!  (Hey, I came prepared:  clean clothes, underwear, diapers, and a bag for the dirty ones!)  The boys had so much fact, they shut the place down by being the last ones to leave!  Here's the high lights:




A SMALLER POOL OF MUD...perfect for mud pies according to Logan:
CLEAN MUD...which ironically both boys declared "gross":
There was also a table for building clay sculptures, but niether Logan or Gavin made it past the pools and bowls of mud before all the clay was used up...  Mud wins over clay I guess - the messier the better!
They also had a hose and a bucket of water for cleaning up.  Gavin, being a big fan of water and hoses, considered this just another fun activity!
I took this last picture of Logan thinking we were done and that he couldn't get any muddier...
...I was WAY wrong on both counts!  Niether boy was done playing...and Logan DID get dirtier.  I wish I had a picture, but I'd already put the camera away and was working on cleaning up Gavin when Logan decided to dump a bucket of mud down the front of his shirt.  On purpose of course!  Vanessa, the librarian, and I had to tag team Logan's clean up.  She hosed out his clothes while I scrubbed him down with water from the bucket!
I never knew there was an International Mud Day, but I'm glad I do now!  I'd love to celebrate it again the next time it rolls around...but I'm not sure if our fearless librarians will ever be daring enough to tackle that project again!  And I wouldn't blame them!  So, I'm sending out a big thank you to everyone who pulled this fun experience off - what a perfect opportunity to let boys be boys!

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