Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Couch to 5k ~ Week 4

Week 4
  • five minute warm-up walk
  • jog 3 minutes
  • walk 90 seconds
  • jog 5 minutes
  • walk 2 1/2 minutes
  • jog 3 minutes
  • walk 90 seconds
  • jog 5 minutes
  • cool down walk
So week 4 is coming a little late...sorry about that.  There's two reasons.  First, I was supposed to finish Week 4 by January 1st, but at of that day I had actually only run twice instead of the required three times.  This was due to the fact that we were traveling, I was sick, then we were traveling again, and then the weather was terrible.  The two days I did run I had to do it on my parents tredmill during which I rediscovered all the reasons why I hate running on  a tredmill.  It was terrible, but I made it through.

In the end, because I had only run two days, I decided to repeat Week 4.  Turns out Week 4 stinks even if you get to run outside in 50+ degree weather.  In fact the only good run I had was on Sunday which, to be terribly honest, was only because I was fueled by blind rage over an incident that had happened earlier that morning.  But a good run is a good run, right?  Right????

The second reason this post is coming kind of late (I"m already working on Week 5 of the program) is because I almost completely forgot about writing it.  Chalk it up to being busy.

Turns out Week 5 isn't much better than Week 4.  I know why this is - this is the part where I have to overcome my mental block and convince myself that I can in fact do this!  And I know I can, because, well, I've done it before.

So, here's to beating my mental block!  I'll be back at the end of the week to tell you how it goes.

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