Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter Day!

"Happy Easter Day, Mommy!"  That's how my day started today, and it was pretty sweet.  Of course it was followed by complete devastation when Logan looked around the living room and realized his Easter basket was no where to be seen.  "Mommy, the bunny didn't come to my house," he pouted.  I had to convince him to go back to his room because I was just sure I had heard a bunny hopping around his room last night (we had to put the baskets in the boys' rooms or else the cats would have made a feast out of the grass).  Logan was pretty happy to realize the bunny had come after all....
It was just the two of us for awhile after that.  We read his new "Chuck book" and played with his "crazy Chuck truck."  Then Gavin was up....I don't think he gave a hoot about bunnies and baskets this year...but he liked the grass...

Then it was a rush to get ready for church.  Justin plays guitar in the praise team so he had to be at church by 8 for practice.  Lucky for me he always takes Logan with him so I only have to worry about keeping Gavin busy while I get ready.  Today it meant I got some extra special cuddle time in with just my baby boy!

Church was beautiful.  I wish I had had my camera so I could have taken a picture of the altar - it was amazing!  I had tears welling up at the beginning when two of the children in our church sang and signed a version of "Amazing Grace."  Best part of church today came after though when I was standing in my kitchen packing baby food up for our trip to Great-grandpa and Gigi's house for lunch.  Logan came up to me and said, "You know, Mommy.  Jesus hung on the cross to get rid of all our sins."  He's only 3 1/2, I know he probably doesn't really grasp what that means (I'm almost 28 and struggle with what that really means sometimes!), but it was still amazing to here him say. 

Then it was on to Gigi's house.  We made a quick stop at Mimi and Papa's house first because they had gotten the boys Easter gifts too.  Of course Logan was excited; Gavin, well, he was still interested in the grass...
After round two of Easter baskets we finally made it to Gigi's for lunch!  We all had a great afternoon eating, talking, and playing.  It was a nice way to end the afternoon. 

Overall, it was a beautiful day!  And with that said, Happy Easter to your family from ours!

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